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Harlowzxc. Im Jinx and i like cookies! Okay okay, i was born crying into the world in 20Feb and im 16 this year, I dont like my height cos its 178 and i need to grow 2 more cm and yea, love cookies. AND PURPLE TOO. (= DEFINITELY


SOOO MANY!!! like like like,,,, Being able to read minds, Getting a dog D= Get like all my 16 birthday wishes come true Err Err. Its rather endless huh. Oh and most importantly no more Amath puhlease -.-

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Why are there endings in happy endings?...
Friday, July 16, 2010 ;; 4:23 PM

Hello pweple. Despicable me is a show worth dying for if you like cute sutff (= really cheers you up and well sec 4 is a really busy year huh, Skill 3 skill 3 skill 3 skill 3 here and there everywhere even chinese listening compre must practice. And i as i looked through my drawer i realise how fast the 4 years in secondary school passed. Well, i did treasure it so everyone should too. Tuition soon early in the morning #@$@##$^#$%@$!
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Love isnt underrated
Saturday, July 10, 2010 ;; 5:36 AM

Moments of bliss never far away from you,
sometimes a mood of neverending blues.
The feeling of extreme joy when you give,
the feeling of extreme pain when one leaves.
This emotion is one which is uncontrollable,
and the things we do, stupid, undeniable.
To what extent would one give for the other to be happy,
what happens when it ends how serious will it be, how messy.
Is it worth the pain or gain with only two choices end or remain.
Few which many tried to do many earn for a word: retain.
Sometimes giving your all isnt enough you need to accept that,
Sometimes its not possible just like a rat together with a cat.
And thats why try your hardest with no regrets,
so nights of endless pain wont come when you reflect
They say love is blind, some say love just hurts.
I wont deny but its a special feeling that cant be described with words.
To feel that is a blessing already in disguise if you've been hurt by love,
but you remember a simple smile, a simple touch or even a simple shove.
Those playful actions that can make you smile, love is never overrated.
Its up to us to see even after love, the memories remain, are all underrated.
Even though the ending might be ugly, the process was a jewellery.
That can be adorned by no one but yourself, that experience of lovey dovey.
To all that has been hurt by it before, please dont give up hope or a nun or gay.
Because its all the little things last time and next time, that will make our day.
Its a blissful thing to love someone or to be loved,
dont get scared, be grateful you served,
as someone who brought or gained happiness with love.

Believe me, he/she will look so much more beautiful next time you properly look at him/her. Loves a wonderful thing
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A piano without its flats and sharps.
Friday, July 9, 2010 ;; 7:00 PM

Its been so long...
Sec 4 has been so fast before we know it prelim 1 is over, prelim 2 and olevel will come so fast O.O ohmygawdddd. Want study also no mood study, want play also no mood play. What is thisssssssssss. Well just hope the prelims get good grades first, after screwing so many things confirm 20+ le (= haiz. So many things are happening now its a wonder how we manage all these stuff. Well, just a short post to revive this page, i still need to pei my daddy who just came back from China. Oh well.

Would you choose to be a happy idiot or a sad person...
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009 ;; 4:49 AM

Sad things are happening so much now.

And im definitely not spared from them. Recently alot of things happened. Im not going to blog ever again i guess. Until.. My mind can see clearly enough for my eyes to see i guess. Bye people.
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Monday, October 19, 2009 ;; 4:21 AM

Walah. The top picture is the souvenir i got from pulau ubin trying to ram into someones bike -.- its big. And painful. Just screamed in the toilet -.- lol. Pain. Second is pulau ubin heaven for me (= BEACH VBALL COURT. any vball chalet or chalet i want the ubin one liao (= lol today overall was... Ask the rest.. MIA very long cos busy with stuff. Ah well should be blogging alot less frequently le. My hols are packed man.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 ;; 10:29 PM


Ytd was fun.After school went to play soccer and table tennis until 6+ go opp eat wif darren ahd HH and watched the co performance.After that the 5 girls and us went to icecube and makannnnn (= lol.Then 4 zao me qijun eleanor darren go eleanor house play mahjong,sparkles and daidi.looooool.But in the end 11.45 left right zao liao.nvm (= after exams maybe can go more?Then reach home bout 12.40 1am slept.woke up alright.tuition time bam.fever.GG.now super sleepy D=
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 ;; 6:03 AM

Wazzat? O.O holding a pingpong racket swinging at some ghost? O.O LOL

Well.today was quite fun.talk alot of crap at class la.Then after school ssp.send eleanor and jun to mrt for fun den play table tennis.At first wif alphonsus and Raymond only then huang lao shi came and we play all the way till wad O.O 6.30 lol den he take note of my name want play wif me again next time (= apparently i havent lost my touch xDDD lol.Wan play Wan play xD who wan play wimmmme.And apparently the guy up there wants to play but all he can do is.well swing the bat.he cant even hit the ball O.O
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