Saturday, May 30, 2009 ;; 5:55 AM
Im Sorry.
Since one year ago,
from the time i couldnt let go.
It was always my fault,
i couldnt solve the code to the vault.
Now im so confused,
Give up?i always refused.
Am i a burden or a bother,
Neither?Dun be a liar.
Crying at the back,looking at you laughing.
My good friends sad,My misery taunting.
I tried my best,to try not to care,
deep down in depth,i couldnt dare.
Desperation leaded to a wrong path taken,
and that in turn led to a heart mistaken.
I hurt her badly and i knew that feeling,
Dropping straight down,just desperation.
Now im totally at a loss of what to do,
Give up,continue,anyhow,not a clue.
Does once in a lifetime,
really means no second chance?
Be happy.oyasumi.soshite,Sayonara.
Monday, May 25, 2009 ;; 6:14 AM

My 3rd job experience (= HEEHEE
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ;; 11:06 PM din go school as i had to go this clinic see doc -.- then he say.wa.jialat.acupuncture dare anot.-.- wtfwtfwtf.I was like.Needles?fuck.Then bo pian so big acupuncture lor...Actually not veri pain.Juz like injection.Just that many many times.4 feel the blood running pass the needles bandaged tomorro let u all see ba (= cheers
;; 2:58 AM

Cant see the difference?now u can.
I was playing basketball.In mid air and landing...nex thing i noe my face was upwards and my leg was.well.A pigs leg.FTW!no FTL.Now i cant even walk properly.And if this sprain is not big i dunno what the fuck is ur ok limping 5 times slower than usual.dunno tomorro can go school anot.I dun hav crutches.Well see first ba.This is gonna take a LOOONG time to heal
A swan and a duck.
One day,a duck was swimming in its usual pool enjoying himself,frolicking in the water freely slacking when suddenly,a swan came and joined him.He was immediately captivated and started staring at the gorgeous white swan swimming gracefully in the water leaving virtually no ripples at all.It seemed like it was just a picture of perfection to him.
The duck made friends with the swan and they got along as they were both quite open.They started doing stuff tgt like swimming,eating,playing and the duck felt really blissful,he began developing feelings.One day,when both of them met during winter on the usual pond,the duck saw the swan within the snow,drifting downwards with its pale white feathers complementing the milky petals of snow falling downwards,its physique contrasting thus resulting in an image no short of a goddess to the duck.He stared down in embarrassment,he saw an image tat was definitely the direct opposite of the image he saw a split second ago.He realised the feelings he had after coexisting with the swan was redundant.A princess would never like an insignificant being like him.The really ugly pervert was it?
The duck flew away.
The next day,he went to secretly admire swan again and he saw a happy swan enjoying herself alone.As if having him with her was no difference at all.It was just the ducks luck to meet her when she wanted company.He realised.He could go die for all she cared.
Years later
Tomorro results.
Gah.Looks like the last mass maple day.results tomorro.Screw the exams or get screwed.dam scared.Ah well mapling now welcome jeremy.more ppl play E lehh!!walao so fun.muz chiong more short post.Tomorro i tink will hav sad sad post.You tore me apart.
Saturday, May 16, 2009 ;; 11:17 AM

TADAH!This is my record for today.Its 2.15am now.FINALLY (= some early early early morning post.My maplestory account reads you have played maplestory for 19 hours LOL.I woke up at 3.30 ytd and played at 4.30 (= wee.Erm...Today was juz realli realli interesting (= STUPID got some movie thing i tink.and tennis 6 hours from now (= tinking of tonning till the end (= weeeee xD
;; 8:22 AM
Mum went HK at 3.30 so i 4.30 wake up play maple until 12.30 (= went to buy my Razer earphones.Razer Moray.SEXXYY.Total noise cancellation.Met Deila at plaza sing and walk walk.Went to TCC not PCC and slacked for 3 hours drinking coffee (= Loves.Then went to watch ramen girl.ok la.Quite funny (= lol.Then went to hougang give shermaine smth and go home play maple.Now its 17 hours maple is on and counting.Not sleeping tonight.Chiong maple (= heehee.Gd luck to me.Maple time xD
Friday, May 15, 2009 ;; 5:45 AM
Lol.Exams over.WEE PHUCK OFF!me and huihai went suntec firs to get my asiasoft thing settled -.- finally.Then we watch xmen (= adamantium body FTW wolverine so cool @_@ then watch angels and demons double movieee (= wahaha.So cool can.The brands.Juz that the book better @_@ tomorro mother goin overseas.YES!WOO!WAHAHAHA.And i have a date @_@ now chiong my darling maple (= byeee
Monday, May 11, 2009 ;; 6:12 AM

HELLO ((= lol.Im playing maple again (= The stupid elaine go kope me into e im broke but its fun(= finding ppl join me T_T nvm we all broke xD and my first line reads
"You Have Played Maplestory For 13 Hours.We Suggest You Take A Break From Mapling"
LOLOLOLOL.Of course got bath and eat in between but yea >< play from 9am to 10pm @_@ dam giddy lol.Nvr revise yet.Now got 45 mins (= Good luck every1.Random post.Wanna keep my blog alive for awhile ((= Nights.
Friday, May 8, 2009 ;; 5:27 AM
Immamade.Arigato Gozaimashta.
Thank you for everything till now.
Today Ms Lim and Ms Kuek last lesson...Aww.They both have been wonderful teachers in my opinion and definitely gonna get teach many wonderful students (=.Its definitely fabulous I got those 2 teachers and both of them re so supportive of me.They understand me pretty well too (= Its true Mrs Dheeraj's and Mr Chong arent too shabby too but ah well.Looks like the youngest of the batch are still the most similar to us (= Todays farewell party was fun!Some pics.
Ms Lim&Ms Kuek lighting candle even though not any of their bday LOL
Ms Lim's Note.I AM NOT SICK MS LIM (= Miss you.
Ms Kuek Thx for the encouragement (= Gd luck teaching JC students Chapter 17 xD
3E3!!!!(= WOO
Well.Thx for teaching me so much in such a short time i must say and really well (= Wishing you all good luck,all the best.Take care (= You too.Gd luck for ur exams.Its been a pleasure knowing you.