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Harlowzxc. Im Jinx and i like cookies! Okay okay, i was born crying into the world in 20Feb and im 16 this year, I dont like my height cos its 178 and i need to grow 2 more cm and yea, love cookies. AND PURPLE TOO. (= DEFINITELY


SOOO MANY!!! like like like,,,, Being able to read minds, Getting a dog D= Get like all my 16 birthday wishes come true Err Err. Its rather endless huh. Oh and most importantly no more Amath puhlease -.-

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Saturday, August 30, 2008 ;; 10:24 PM

Sry,busy pwning noobs in SSGB(Singapore Super Gay Boys)so onli got 3 mins to post.Errr...Well teachers day was really cool,with all the nice singers and ZOMG dancing moves by musketeers lol.And Ms Ling WE LOVE YOU LOADS (= hope you like the cards though i din even see it lol.And the thingy lydia made was realli cool so Ms Ling u can hang it up in your house which we willbe dropping by on err.Friday?Mahjong ar!Me and yingzhi wan play wif u (= lol and the girls shall do baking for the guys xD eh times up.later got time post extra.Tis post is juz to tell Ms Ling...YOU THE BEST LA (= Every youth day ar.u say one.wife and kids...hmm...Tink nex year ms ling have one kid le ((((=
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008 ;; 5:50 AM

BORED (= Waiting.

lol waiting to be taken away from my godlike cs streak and i promised i would blog too so was finding stuff to blog about.Today nth special so shall do something kop-ed from jessicas blog (=

2) NIGHT =Gd night.Sweet dreams.ZZZ
3) SCHOOL= Place for mental people.
4) LOVE = AHEM....
6) Picasso = wad?
7) MUD = eeyer..
8) MAGIC = Harry Potter *coughs*
9) CHOCOLATE = Addictive.
10) PINK = Most of Ms Teos clothes.
12) CHIMNEY = Smoke?
13) PARIS HILTON = **** Star (=
15) LIFE = One moment meaningful(like now)but next bitter(hopefully will nvr come)

KK done (= sian.9pm le...dunno wan go play somemore or watch tv lol

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008 ;; 5:32 AM

WTF at Miss Ling Siol...

Wa.Tot school dam boring on mondays de.apparently not (=.Had the double geog double maths but interrupted by some assembly talk on CIP?Boring crap as usual.But after recess was super different (=.Ms Tan slack lesson.Chi slack lesson.Lit and CE slack lesson and Sci Exam paper....Wa Puengeh.Nerd influence (= love it.A1 for science wee (= 33/40.dam im getting nerdy too.And Lit cum CE was totally funnnn.Lit went It special room no one brought notes so in the end is discuss class tee.Being miss ling is hard dammit.Nid get the whole class attention Ms Ling i noe how u feel (= but im still not gonna change =XX and after that was CE share about ur weekend programme.Ms Ling weekend...Zai as usual...The rest.pretty ordinary and mine....FK.T_T k now gonna do something else fast so tomorro blog again....ByeBye...
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Sunday, August 24, 2008 ;; 6:05 AM

2nd post for today @_@

So sian until bo pian.come post the 2nd time.This time cos i realli veri bored so i wan organise another class outing (= i mean clique outing paisehss.Celebrate Huijun bday (= super late but ya la.better than the usual cakeparty.See wad movie huijun wan watch then that day we all go watch tgt (= or maybe juz a normal outing where every1 votes for the movie cos i dun tink all of us realli went out together recently lol.these weeks all common test mugging @_@ so feedback pl0x.Too sian to do anything...might be sleeping immediately after this....ZZZ........

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;; 5:26 AM

Got owned bad @_@

lol nvm.today was quite a fun day (= after tennis shermaine couldnt go zoey house and i couldnt too so too bad.this week no tennis fun.went AMK hub wif her instead to watch movie wif jun.No time slot -.-lll went j8.lucky there got.But nid wait 1h....nvm.walk walk as usual.walk on the top floor dunno how many round.saw alan too.The movie was nice la (= meet dave.retarded and funny (= shouldnt specify anymore.spoilers suck xD and after that she didnt want me accompany so i went back amk hub to meet luoting buy some teachers day prezzie.Quite fun la.Shes always a retard as usual.and her friend is veri nice to suan (= well now on form in css and not audi so will be busy owning peeps.sry if i dun reply even on my laptop.Shows how rare i die nowadays (=
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Friday, August 22, 2008 ;; 5:45 AM


kk.juz to keep my blog alive.eeyer so long nvr update one as ppl said.Wa these few days veri tiring...And contacts are not too bad la.Better than wearing specs that keep slipping off...Figured out Ms Estee Teo has a good taste of chocs (= not too bad la the choc she buy for us.quite nice.Really planning to lead a revolution la (= Supernatural xPP and yea this is just a short update post.Today veri nice weather (= wan sleep lee.....But nid talk more @_@ tomorro got alot time sleep.which i tink will be the first time im going to sleep later than 9am.Damned.Bo Pian.Shes first priority (= can take panadol later if i get sick.
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Monday, August 18, 2008 ;; 5:40 AM

WOO Sunday rocked (=

Got to see shermaine for one extra day since the rest cannot see shermaine le so i no nid sad (= every sunday still can see her.after tennis go zoey house play tennis for idk....3 hours?den go her house chat a bit say wan go lunch in the end go at 3.30? O.O uber hungry.Ate at amk hub den go find present for jessica.I look for containers but cannot find any suitable de O.O nvm.Go back her house at 5+?Then started doing stuff i dunno wad (= until 7 den took pics and went off.Singapore got thrashed by the China team.Dam wad sia.purposely give us first set and 3 points each set.then start owning us....Haizz.They too pro le (=

Quote of the week <3.
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Friday, August 15, 2008 ;; 4:12 AM


Wa thanks to the nerd got 19 for lit la (= so happy.A1.Not the usual C6 or C5 @_@.Ya la ya la all thanks to ur notes.happy? (= Today so sad.Sheramine last day.Still cry a bit.Yingzhi if u overexaggerate im realli gonna sit on u bad like the romeo and juliet video.Haizz.NVM!Every sunday can meet her and go zoey house play tennis (= Zoey Sheena Camilla Beryln all no need sad one (= can come and play aso!!So yea.Panadol realli gd for health (= short post.Quite sad no mood do much stuff.BYEEEE xD
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Thursday, August 14, 2008 ;; 6:39 AM

Well some1's blogging so i dun wan do nothing so i come blog aso lo.Just to keep my blog alive,a short quiz.At night do one so very tired maybe some answers not straight dun blame me =XX

1. Had a beer with?
2.Went to the movies with?
Err...Tink it was her...
3. Went to the mall with?
My Mum -.-lll
4. Talked on the phone with?
My Mum -.-llll
5. Made you laugh?
Hmm...CSS xD
6. You hugged?
Junli. (=
7. You yelled at?
I dun yell...
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
2. Be serious or be funny?
Funny (=
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
Anything would do rite?
4. Die in a fire or get shot?
NEBERRR!!!I will nvr die (= theres still things i need to do...
1. Sun or moon?
2. Winter or Fall?
3. Left or right?
4. Sunny or Rainy?
Sunny xD no sun no sports.
5. Peach or Pear?
6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I eat it.
7. Do You Cook?
8. Current mood?
Tired,Waiting to play css.
1. Kissed someone special?
2. Sing?
Every weekday morning 7.30am
3. Been hugged?
4. Danced Crazy?
5. Cried?
6. Last words?
Everything will always turn out alright in the end (=


Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
A toilet bowl so i dun hav to suffer.
Who do you blame for your mood today?
Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yea.Disgusting man..
What should we do with stupid people?
Lets toopid together (=
How long do you think you will live?
Till i have done the things i want to do and have nothing left to do.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Knock my head i tink...
The color of carpet in your bedroom?
None.outside is REDDDDD (=
Last person you went out to dinner with?
Are you spoiled?
How do i get spoiled when im not rich like SOME people.
Do you drink lots of water?
What toothpaste do you use?
How do you vent your anger?
Playing sports.The opponent dam poor thing...
The last compliment you received?
What are you doing this weekend?
Rot at home?Always like that
When was the last time you threw up?
Last year??
What theme does your room have?
Welcome to my life??
When was the last time you were at a party?
I dunno.forgot.
Are you a mama's child or a daddy's child?
Mama.Dads in CHEENA.Hardly talk.
The last website you visited?
Last person you went to the movies with?
What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year?
Watched L changes the world i tink.
Is anything alive in your room?
Me xD
Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
What are you looking forward to right now?
Finish folding some stuff.
How often do you get a haircut?
Once 3 months?I want it long but Chong or Ow always tells me to cut when im satisfied T_T
If you won 1,000 dollars and had to split it with someone besides your significant other, who would you split it with?
What's the last cartoon you watched?
Teen Titans.Lol.
If you could be a radio DJ, what station would you work for?
98.7FM.Rocks Balls (=
Ever rode a motorcycle?
Do you like the shape of your fingernails?
Yea (= Quite nice.
Ever used a ear candle?
Wads Tat?LOL
Pretend you're single. If you had to marry a famous musician, who would it be?
Musician?Dunno any.
What would you like to have for your next meal?
Something light that helps in dieting.
Would you flip burgers at McDonald's for bucks an hour?
Depends on the bucks =XX
Do you put salt on your watermelon?
Who does?
In tic-tac-toe, are you the X or the O?
Im the straight line signifying the win (((=
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008 ;; 5:24 AM

WAHAHAHA.Good Day Bitches.
Lol.today started offff dammmmm welllll.PE captains ball again.Den suddenly change to soccer/captains ball.Then become Rugby/Captains ball.Wa the rugby one dam zai la.Only one thing happen but everyone laugh like mad (= Ong Bear can be professional rugby player le.Huijun wan pass the ball and the two weijies wanted to intercept.Faster one (obviously chew)snatched it from huijun and everyone was like nice one (= but ong bear dunno wad happen...SUPER MEGA BODY SLAM!He flew towards weijie sia.And direct hit.Every1 laugh laugh laugh.poor weijie.Snatch the ball liao flew like 1 meter backwards?and every1 was laughing like mad.Huijun very lucky.If the ball nvr snatch diao is she tio ram liao.Wa seriously dam zai.Even better than the romeo and juliet where darren and long did matrix and OMGWTFBBQ HADUGEN la.Anyone would get blown away.Next time got rugby or american football during PE first pick ong bear le.Then after that turkey lost class key,a bit troublesome but nvm.IT next.shiok man (= tis time din play anything.decided to be guai and screwed around wif some backgrounds.Recess.Kuay Chap and geog mug a bit.Saw her at the staircase but too busy to talk la.Then normal periods.All normal aso.not too sian not too interesting.Then skipped lunch to go geog mugging but wasted la.Test so easy.Den Vball tat time gastric killing me.so tiring.now back at home.Go play funms le ba.Gotta lvl fast since yingzhi and kenan haven join yet (= and gd luck ppl for the chinese test on fri,
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Monday, August 11, 2008 ;; 12:28 AM

Short Update Post (=

Here because somebody wants me to update.Wa recently uber uber sian la.rot in front of my com for like 30 hours + over these 3 days.more than 10 hours per day.and i watched 145 episodes of my anime le.finished it.in 3 days.So no life.Wa uber sian.Thx turkey for introducing me project powder.Ought to keep my busy bout...2 weeks?More game intros pleaseeeee xD and today was supposed to enjoy myself by going out wif tat somebody but got dental appointment.piano ended late so couldnt go.and now my lovely sister cancelled the appointment.Haizz..Nvm.Even if i went aso no use (= juz see ppl pierce ear and walkwalk nia.Juz want to keep my blog alive and Lydia.Dun live in self denial.You know no1 but jeffrey can see u (= hopefully jeffrey doesnt come and read my blog.LOL.i mean.weijie.u ARE VERY VERY sad now rite? (= lol feelin super evil cos i veri sian already.Nvm.Tomorro got school xD HE too (= and i din even make a mind map yet so good luck to me.Tink my councillor badge gone for good xD and juz a short post to keep my blog alive.Summary:GAME INTROS PLEASE!IM DYING OF BOREDOM!
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Saturday, August 9, 2008 ;; 5:57 AM

National Day,a nice day that i spend by......ROTTING AT HOME (=
Aiyo today dammmmm sian.was in front of the com for like 12 hours already (= lol.Juz keep playing cs.Juz that when she on9 will go talk talk to her (= the NERDDDD.Lately nothing to do aso.Any1 got any game intros pls tell me.Chelvin kenny jieming dun ask me go runescape.And no asiasoft games like maple pls (= come on ppl intro me some gd ones thx xD
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 ;; 5:31 AM

Today went compass to try contacts.for vball.wa seh
not very pleasant.like something annoying at the side
of my eye but nvm.Bet lots of ppl will laugh when i wear
to school on weds and fris.Especially QiJun.Looks like
i need give her special attention wif tripping already.
These few days quite normal la.Common test period
though.Every1 mugging like siao.Except for usual ppl
in our class.The nerd mug like dunno 6 hours a day
o.0000 influence me to mug aso.See la (= make me
write so much for my lit.Tomorro is 080808 wa nice
man.juz gonna go out wif some1 i guess.So fast
august le.Time flies...Another 3 more months and
its the exams time and time to say goodbye.I love
2e5 but sadly,nex year we would all be seperated....
Dunno why tinkin of tat now o.0 nth better to do
i guess.JY every1 for common test 6.Now back to
my new dwloaded psp game.lololol.

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Monday, August 4, 2008 ;; 5:30 AM

Time to clear things up.
OK.e5 ppl listen up.Those who know what happen between zoey and jera.Juz forget it.It was one whole big misunderstanding.Jera wants yisen back.nth wrong.Zoey and him aso nth happen yet.No problems there too.And when the first smses started to appear on her phone,its nth to do wif jera k.Because of this misunderstanding i noe every1 not happy cos zoey was affected but for now,juz let there be peace k.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008 ;; 5:43 AM

sry for any inconveniences caused.
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;; 1:10 AM

Money Not Enough 2 xD

Today had to rush to AMK hub after tennis cos i needed to watch that movie wif eleanor and qijun.Traffic a bit bad so was late.By the time i reach and try and buy tickets 10.15 one start le so nid buy nex one.12.45.ZZZ.And i wasnt the latest xD qijun came running along lol.10.30 liao so bought 3 12.45 tickets.2 hours and arcade nth much so we had to walkwalk.Ok i noe wad girls better than guys at le.We guys do so much sports i walk walk 1 half hour tired le they 2 like walk 10 min onli.Aiyo.Sat at fountain den can rest (= den the stupid qijun throw pebbles in the pond behind me.I take the whole thing throw at her (= quite fun la actually.walk around aimlessly tripping 2 ppl at the same time.Then the time finally came.Movie time (= and we went in.Dam bumb sia.Go in the movie start immediately is a hokkien song bout singapore government taking money from us.Nice lo.The movie quite funny aso la =D but the person beside me.Not HER.Some stranger.She laugh like...hehehe..somthing like sarcastic jessica and ms ow laugh lidat.den i tot at first she purposely one but realli funny parts she aso laugh lidat.me eleanor and qijun keep laughing at it la.So funny (= but tis movie quite touching aso la.Teach u bout how to be a good son or daughter in law lol.And they even wanted to send the mother to the old folks home.After 2e5 went to the cheshire home like 1 week before.Felt so sad and pitied =( but nvm.The movie overall still veri funny so not bad la.Nex movie to knock off the list is mummy.maybe watch wif class ppl or jetaime since shes so crazy bout it.now waiting for my #$@%ing tuition.sian....
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Saturday, August 2, 2008 ;; 5:20 AM

BITCHHHHH!I Wont Forgive You.
Tats for some1 who i dun wan to say mm ya well.today had to wake up at 7 to meet eleanor at the bus stop at 7.45 den some1 ask to meet den late herself hor (= and we just went in for the briefing.Wa was uberrr boring.3H of environment stuff wif a lame point system which actually worked for once O.O.The Weijies(not weijie's) so enthu.Nuclear activity.mm.Break went to meet eleanor and qijun again.She always buys nth while qijun always buys something.Our whole class most of them bought 2 packets of m&n including me.Wa shiok ar.sugar rush.today eat dunno how much junk food.Gained 1KG i tink.Dammit.My dream of being 4X kg is juz getting further away.Ah well hopefully the other dream will get closer then.After the dumb briefing had to go home eat lunch and go for tuition.Wanted to meet again but traffic jam.Heng i leave especially early den both of us reach juz on time.Went to photocopy the piano book in a shop so seperated from other shops.So creepy.Looks crammed though.And went tuition den finish and im bacck here playing runescape wif kenny and chelvin (WTF am i doing nowadays) and played wif yinwei a bit of audi.not too bad la.But now audi so lag dun wan play too much.So now im stuck with runescape wif kenny and chelvin yea and as usual chelvins a bitch and kennys being a complete asshole.Thats all for today,need ta talk to some1 and quickly be gay in my own way (=.Bye people.
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